Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis Suganda), has had a delusional disorder since her husband left. Diah did not support Kinara’s decision to become a dancer. In addition, Kinara was not very good at dancing, so she was often made fun of by her friends at the school’s dance studio. A strange incident happened to him when he was on a study tour to an island. He learns an ancient dance that is forbidden because it is considered deadly. His return from the island made him a good dancer. However, it actually puts the lives of his friends and loved ones at risk.
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Tari Kematian (2024)
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Genre: Horror
Quality: HD
Year: 2024
Duration: 107 Min
Language:Bahasa indonesia
Director:Bram Ferino